Phillip "Buzzy" Sutherlin


Buzzy Sutherlin was born again at the age of thirty-six. In Buzzy’s own words, “God came into my living room on July 10, 1976 and killed me (the old man) and I became a new creation.”

Buzzy’s life was dramatically changed that day by the power of Jesus Christ! He spent the next 33 years of his life on earth dedicated to studying the word of God and spreading the good news of the gospel. He pastored Grace Christian Center in El Dorado, Arkansas for almost 30 years.

Buzzy preached a bold and powerful revelation of who you are in Christ and what it means to be born again. He taught powerful, illustrated sermons on Zoe (the God-kind of life) with demonstrations of God’s healing power. The uncompromising message he preached impacted many lives and ministries. He didn’t realize the strong affect his ministry had on so many others.

His passion was to reach as many as possible with the revelation of the finished work of Jesus Christ. His legacy lives on through the numerous study manuals and teaching materials he left behind. Most of his teachings are made available to you on this website.



“The Apostle Paul’s gospel is the good news about our redemption in Christ. We are no longer old sinners, but sons of God and heirs of the Lord Jesus Christ. In fact, anyone in Christ has never been a sinner. The old man was a sinner, but he no longer exists; he can’t rise up because he doesn’t exist. You’re a brand creation in Christ.”  Buzzy Sutherlin